Join the PTA Today

9/3/2018 12:00 am

By joining the PTA, you help us meet our school's needs that are outside the scope of their budget. When you go a step further and volunteer to help with events—or join our board— you set a fine example for our students to follow, and greatly encourage our teachers and staff.


Join the PTA


Did you know that the PTA:

  • Funds school enhancement projects like the climbing wall in the gym, new playground equipment, new arts programs, music programs, science programs with OMSI and provides the teachers with funding to help in their classrooms?
  • Coordinates and pays for the back to school Ice Cream social?
  • Coordinates volunteers, purchases food and coffee and manages the Grand Friends day?
  • Hosts and manages the annual Big Boo, the Book Fair, the Auction, the Decathlon, the Family Fun nights and much much more?

Did you know that all PTA board members and committee members are volunteers? We recognize that not everyone has the time to serve on the board or manage a committee, so we ask that you contribute in other ways.

  1. Join the PTA. With a $25 annual contribution you can have a vote on important issues and contribute to the funding needed to support the PTA programs.
  2. Volunteer. There are 1,000 opportunities for you to help, even if you have just one hour, we can always use your help.
  3. Donate. Make a one time donation to help fund our efforts.

Joining the PTA is super easy. It will take about 45 seconds! Watch this video to see how.